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Penis Health and Pregnancy - Four Things All Men Should Know - Men whose partners are expecting have plenty of things to think about - how to support the little bundle of joy, what kind of father they will be, and (although many may not admit it out loud) how her pregnancy is going to affect his sex life. While the first two questions are deep subjects that may require some lengthy soul-searching, as well as strategic financial planning, the third is more straightforward. Some common concerns about sex, penis health and pregnancy are addressed below; with some practical adjustments and attention to appropriate penis care, most men (as well as their partners) should be able to enjoy sex throughout the course of a pregnancy.

1. Will a large penis hurt the baby during sex?Penis size has no effect on the fetus at all; the baby is inside its own protective chamber, and no matter how well-endowed a man is, there is no chance of his penis coming in contact.

However, some experimenting might be necessary to come up with positions that are comfortable for the expectant mother. For instance, in the later stages of pregnancy, lying flat on her back may not be possible, as the weight of the fetus pressing on her major arteries can cause severe discomfort or even loss of consciousness; and deep penetration may cause some cramping or mild pain.

2. Can sex during pregnancy cause premature labor?It has been a common belief for many years that intercourse can trigger labor; in fact, doctors have even recommended sex to jump-start the process when a pregnancy goes beyond term. However, no scientific studies have ever corroborated this notion; men should not worry that a little romance will result in an early birth.

3. Can penis skin conditions cause problems during pregnancy?Again, the fetus is protected completely from the outside world while in the womb, and even skin that is not at its best should not cause problems during gestation. However - and this is important -communicable diseases can certainly be passed on to the mother and compromise her health at a time when she needs her own reserves. In addition, STDs and other infections can absolutely be transmitted to the baby during birth, as it passes through the birth canal. The best bet is to keep the penis skin clean and clear to avoid any unnecessary risk of complications.

4. Are pregnancy hormones bad for the penis?This may seem like an odd question, but in fact, the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy can cause some alterations in a woman's body chemistry. These can cause vaginal dryness that may result in discomfort for both partners during sex, so maintaining adequate moisture levels is important during this time.

Because of the changed interior environment, a woman may also be more susceptible to yeast infection. This is not only uncomfortable for her, but it can also be passed on to her partner, leading to itching, redness, swelling and an unpleasant discharge from the penis. Because yeast is so contagious, reinfection from one partner to another is common, so steps should be taken to avoid yeast overgrowth. This can include washing daily and nourishing the penis skin with vitamins and moisturizers to maintain the skin's natural chemical balance.

Keeping the penis healthy

In order to avoid the risk of problems and make sex as pleasurable for both partners as possible during pregnancy, keeping the penis skin clean, clear and smooth is essential. Washing carefully, making responsible choices concerning sexual partners, and treating the skin with a high quality penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may help to prevent discomfort.

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