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Release Day Review of Faery Marked by Mary Waibel - New Release - Oh my gosh! I think I might be as excited for this book release as the author Mary Waibel is. Okay, probably not, but I'm a very close second. Full disclosure: Mary is my critique partner and I've read this book many times while she sweated and toiled over the construction of it. Seriously, it has to say something about the quality of the story that I still LOVE it after having read it several times over.

I'm so excited about Faery Marked's release I'm devoting my blog to Mary this week. Today - RELEASE DAY - I'm posting my review. As the week progresses, we will also have a guest post from Mary and a character interview. Please be sure to visit for those as well. And since you'll be buying the book and reading it immediately, update us on your reading progress as the week goes along!

Congrats Mary Waibel on the release of FAERY MARKED.

About the book:

Release Day Review of Faery Marked by Mary Waibel
When Callie Rycroft wakes to find purple flames flickering on the ceiling, she believes she’s still dreaming. But soon she’s forced to accept that she has magic―a special magic that grants her entrance into the Faery Realm.
For centuries humans have been banned from Faery, but dangerous times call for dangerous measures. Declared Champion by the Faery Queen, Callie is assigned a Guardian, and tasked with finding the Cordial―a magical elixir needed to keep the portal to the Faery realm a secret from humans.
The upside? Reece Michaels, the boy she's been crushing on for years, is her Guardian. Callie hopes that, by spending time with Reece, he'll start to see her as more than just his best friend's sister.
The downside? She's in a race not only against time, but against another Champion, and a rogue Guardian―a Guardian who stands to threaten her developing relationship with Reece.
Magic, mistaken identities, and hidden agendas are the least of Callie's worries when she learns that the Cordial requires a sacrifice. Will Callie be willing to risk everything―even Reece―to complete her task as Champion? Or will she let the portal open, and doom both realms?

My Review:

Faery Marked by Mary Waibel is a fun contemporary fairy tale. Our main character, Callie is dealing with some guilt from an accident that killed her parents, but she’s a strong-willed, smart girl who can think for herself, as well as take care of herself. She’s a character that readers can get behind and root for. Her love interest and the Guardian assigned to protect her is Reece. I admit, the care and attention he shows Callie is swoon-worthy, but for some reason I can’t really explain, my heart belongs to bad boy Ryan. I’m kind of excited to say I think Ryan will play a big part in the second book.
Oh, speaking of second books, I think Ms. Waibel did a stellar job wrapping up the storyline of this book and then laying the teaser for the next. I can’t wait to see what happens next. Faery Marked offers fantasy, magic, mystery, and the occasional heart flutter.

Available atAMAZON
Win a signed copy of Faery Marked and other swag. Details HERE. Don’t miss out on this LIMITED TIME OFFER!!!

Release Day Review of Faery Marked by Mary WaibelAbout the author:

YA author Mary Waibel’s love for fairytales and happy-ever fill the pages of her works. Whether penning stories in a medieval setting or a modern day school, magic and romance weave their way inside every tale.
Strong female characters use both brain and brawn to save the day and win the heart of their men. Mary enjoys connecting with her readers through her website:

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