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Personal - I'm baaaack. - Hey guys!

So I know I didn't do many posts when away but I didn't really have the time to get any done before I left, I have made a plan for the rest of the month on what I want to blog but just bear with if a few daily posts don't appear. Looking back I really didn't like how my OOTD pictures looked, it was far to rushed and that's really what I want to avoid!! - so I want to spend more time practising taking them. But I am throwing myself straight back in there!! ( except for Vlogs. I really want to spend more time getting better at them so it may be a few weeks before they start to appear and then a while longer for them to become fully regular)

Home was amazing as usual, it's so crazy how inspired and pumped about life I get when I go home, I just feel like I can do anything when I get back to England! Though I ate faaaaar too much and pretty much undid any gym work I had done before. I really want to get back into healthy eating and the gym again so I think after a month I will do a review on how I have been getting on and if I have noticed anything what I have been doing to do that.

Also while I was away I became mildly obsessed with the idea of getting a nose ring! so watch out for that space!! In other exciting new a tattoo artist I am obsessed with finally opened her books, keep your fingers crossed for me that she likes my idea and will get some more ink on my skin!

Ciao Bellas x

other source :,,

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