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Nailed it. - Trader joe's - Have you seen the "Nailed it" memes? My favorite is the Cookie Monster Cupcake.
{Please keep this in mind in a minute.}

Let's start at the beginning. I had a moment of inspiration. Peanut butter blossom cookies, but with mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the middle and chocolate covered pretzels for legs to look like spiders.

But, as with most things...this was not an original idea. As I was walking through the grocery store to buy my peanut butter cups, the image of the cutest cookies by Kristan popped into my head. Same idea, but with licorice legs. I *pinned* them last year! Duh. I decided to make them anyway, using the pretzels.

This was going to be something quick and easy that I could make after picking kiddo up from school and before dinner.

Well, I had my own "Nailed it" moment. (Kristan's cookies are on top.) Behold:
Nailed it.

Nailed it.
Try 1:peanut butter blossoms scooped in 2 teaspoon scoops. The cookie was too small, pretzels too big, and peanut butter cups are really melty. Not pretty.

Nailed it.
Try 2:peanut butter blossoms scooped in 2 TBSP scoops. Now the cookie is big enough to hold the pretzels, but the peanut butter cup looks too small. (Hint: wait a few minutes before adding the PB cup to reduce the excessive melting like the first batch.)
Nailed it.

Nailed it.
Try 3:peanut butter blossoms scooped in 2 TBSP scoops. Peanut butter cups plus melted chocolate for the legs. Passable.

Nailed it.
Try 4:peanut butter blossoms scooped in 2 teaspoon scoops. Ghiradelli bittersweet chocolate chips (these are nice, big chips) pressed into the middle, legs piped with melted chocolate. Better.
Maybe even cute...
Nailed it.
...until you look at the cookies with two chips. Creepy doll eyes. I guess it *is* Halloween season after all.

I'm working on eating all of the evidence.

Nailed it.

other source :,,

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