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Level 80 PVE Tempest Build Guide in Dragon Nest [T4] - video games - If you are looking for a level 80 build for Tempest on Dragon Nest, then this is your lucky day as you bump into this page which tackles all you need to know about level 80 Tempest Build.
In this page, you will learn the item build and skill build for a level 80 Tempest in Dragon Nest.
First, let's discuss the level 80 skill build...
Archer Tree
Level 80 PVE Tempest Build Guide in Dragon Nest [T4]
As usual, you don't want to miss out getting/maxing these skills on the archer tree these are essentials for this class:
-Urgency Trick
-Somersault Kick
-Moon Kick
-Aerial Evasion
-HP Mastery
Willow Kick (Lvl 16) – This skill is cool to be maxed as not only that a Tempest will use this often, but this actually lowers the cooldown of our ultimate.
Multi Shot (Lvl 1) – A filler skill when every skills on your tab is on cooldown.
MP Mastery (Lvl 3) – This is where you dumped your extra 2 SP.
Mind Conquer (Lvl 6) – We have been informed that Light Fury's mana skill will be nerfed soon on an update coming on the future so we think it's best that as early as now, we get this passive, and even max it.
That's all there is to discuss on the archer tree. Now let's go to the acrobat tree..

Acrobat Tree
Level 80 PVE Tempest Build Guide in Dragon Nest [T4]
For the acrobat tree, here is the skills you need to max right away:
-Tip Tops
-Chain Trampoline
-Shortbow Mastery
Kick Shot (Lvl 16) – First skill down the Tempest tree. Includes a short iframe with a decent attack. It is at level 16 as it gets more damaging and you'll use it very often after you get its Ex version.
Binding Shot (Lvl 16) – Second skill of the Tempest. Your very basic and probably most important skill. Used often as the ‘initiation’, it is worth adding up to 16 as the board damage stated is PER hit, which means the full damage is x2 of the stated. On top of that, you can get more than 2 hits off the second, depending on the hitbox and size of the mobs. Also one thing about hitbox, anything in favour to Binding Shot multi-hitting, works opposite of how smoothly you can air pounce. Also 16 for its Ex version potential.
Double Somersault Kick (Lvl 15+1) – 3rd and the most used skill of the Tempest. +1 DSK Necklace to reach the Lvl16 peak. This skill is pretty superb when it will get an approx. 20% damage increment.
Spiral Vortex (Lvl 11) – Many will say that this build is full of shit as maxing all Tempest skill for a PVE build is pretty dumb but, we find this skill very useful in terms of clearing mobs and like any other Tempest, they would agree that this skill is also use often. So why not max if it is often use? The final output would probably be 100-500k depending on which skill you’re using. 4th and easiest to use skill, so it would be great to level it to 11.
Divine Rage (Lvl 2) – Strict preset combo for this Ultimate. Most of the damage are in the first few forward kicks(not the barrage of kicks after), the Eagle Dive and short Spiral Vortex.
Spirit Fling (Lvl 1) – Self-push back skill in rare cases where you move ahead too fast mid-jumps.
Air Pounce (Lvl 1) – A prerequisite skill and you will rarely use it as an Acrobat. In our case, we only use it as an extra aerial evasion
Spiral Kick (Lvl 1) – Iframe extension from Tumble with a little damage packed in it. Eagle Dive (Lvl 11/16) – 11 or 16? Yes, refer to Cyclone Kick. A skill part of our combo cycle. Decent damage, slightly risky to use; cannot be cancelled once casted, you can only move after the damage is done. Non-EX has a small AoE.
Cyclone Kick (Lvl 6/11) – This is a PVE build but why add this skill you say? High risk with a medium reward behind it. Encountering a stomp mid cast can be highly fatal; trying to cancel this skill would have you using Tip Tops UNLESS you’re at the transition of the skill where you start to kick upwards, thats the only point where you Tumble. On top of being a bad skill without the EX, it can serve as a non-Tumble iframe with a Tip Top extension, making the skill itself a 50/50. A good filler skill with good damage. Slow cast time.
Blooming Kick (Lvl 1) – Just a prerequisite skill and more of a filler skill.
Circle Shot (Lvl 1) – Airtime + iframe in one skill. High in utility, which is all you need from this skill. Left at 1, not a dps skill.
Counter Ring Shot (Lvl 1) – One of the most often use aerial evasion as a Tempest. Higher levels doesn't reward you with lower cooldowns, leave it at 1.
Spiritual Excel (Lvl 5) – Good buff focused around our main stats, agility – 28% agi buff.
Spirit Boost (Lvl 5) – Few of the best buff in the game. Accelerates your movement speed, action speed, and cooldowns. Must max. You can also get a skill necklace for it, but you will have to choose between SB or DSK. It's best to choose DSK because of the fragile nature of buffs now, being easily removed by a single attack.
And lastly, the Tempest tree..
Tempest Tree
Level 80 PVE Tempest Build Guide in Dragon Nest [T4]
Evade (Lvl 4) – 40% is a lot! Times where you spike or by chance, mis-timed your iframes, this might just save you from the direct hit. However, do note you will still get any debuffs(burn, poison, etc) or have your buffs removed when you successfully evade a skill with secondary effects.
Hurricane Dance (Lvl 11) – A Tempest’s signature skill! A Must to max. Good damage, iframes till last your last hit.
Kick Shot EX – Extends the distance traveled to about two times, which also means the iframe duration is almost doubled as well. Includes a damage boosts of maximum 70% – meaning you land all hits without the the quick left-click cast.
Binding Shot EX – Comes with a debuff – increasing physical damage dealth by 30% for 5 seconds. Also does 30% more damage.
Double Somersault Kick EX – Larger AoE, hits foes that are lying on the ground. Nothing else to it… +30% damage.
Spiral Vortex EX – While casting Spiral Vortex, do NOT rush to left or right click, let it get to you as to when it is suitable to use the EX function. Left click to stay on your position, while right click pushes yourself far back, includes an almost negligible iframe which I myself doubt its existence; there are times which I did iframe using the right click jump back. The right click is nevertheless, still a good displacement addition to Spiral Vortex.
Hurricane Dance EX – +100% of your attack damage, and 50% more damage on the last hit. Do not misunderstand this! 100% of your attack damage literally means having your P.Atk stat serving as the EX damage component. Its an additional damage, meaning the damage is solely depending on your P.Atk, debuffs and defenses will not amplify the EX damage of HD EX. The 50% damage on the last hit is the usual percentage damage increment like any other EX, no confusion about that.
Physical Sense – Kick Shot and DSK usage increases your P.Atk by 10%, and certain skills will reduce the cooldown of Divine Rage – Your Ultimate, by 20seconds PER SKILL, NOT PER HIT. Skills that works are Willow Kick, Kick Shot, Binding Shot, DSK, Spiral Vortex and Hurricane Dance. No, regular Somersault Kick does not reduces the cooldown.
Now that we are done with the skill build, let us now proceed to the item build.
Tempest Level 80 Item Build
For armours, Asteroid Ranceia set would be perfect.
Here’s the set bonus for Asteroid Ranceia set
2 pcs – 269 Vit
3 pcs – 842 P.atk
4 pcs – 366 FD
5 pcs – 2022 Critical
6 pcs – 11937 HP
7 pcs – 842 P.atk
Just for reference sake, here is the set bonus for Meteor Ranceia
2 pcs – 269 Vit
3 pcs – 842 M.atk
4 pcs – 366 FD
5 pcs – 2022 Critical
6 pcs – 11937 HP
7 pcs – 842 M.atk
Everything is the same except for the P.atk and M.atk bonuses.
Tempest Level 80 Weapons
Apart from 80A set equipments, we have Black Dragon L-Grades.
Now this means we would only have 5 set bonus off our armour… lets look back shall we? Everything seems good up till our 5th bonus, do we even need the critical bonus?
Obviously, no. We got two options, get a non-set 80A piece, or sacrifice the 4th bonus (366 FD) for extra 269 Vit from the Meteor set! Now why sacrifice 366 FD? Like, “DUDE ITS FD YOUR DIPS**T.” Yes I know its FD, but what good does 1-2% FD do?
If you want FD, pursue it, with a minimum of 50%, or else just go full raw. Both stats affect your building in a minimal way, 269 Vit being around 9k HP only, while 366 FD is a puny 1-2% (if you don’t stack it up high).
Accessories. The archer you’re playing now is a female, a girl. Girls love jewelries. Right? Right?!
Use 80A set accessories which is approximately 1.43 times better than 70A. Also because 80A normal accessories isn't out, this guide will not tackle about this.
But just a few tips in general:
-Buffs are fragile since 70 cap, with a mere swipe having all your buffs removed, SB neckalce may not be as good as DSK necklace.
-Our Shortbow Mastery is capped at level 4, a skill ring will NOT make it go higher.
-Spiritual Excel Ring can still be used for an extra 4% Agi and…
-A friendly reminder that skill rings have an option of 3.54% Light&Dark attack on top of the P.atk stat that we’re after.
Now, skill plates…
-Spiral Vortex ActSpd; “Dude…PvE…?” The speed without the plate is really slow to me, if any of you can take that speed, by all means, go damage, no harm in doing so. It is also a personal preference of speed over damage.
-Chain Trampoline CD; “Again…?” Similar to the above, mobility is important to keep up your damage output. =w=/
-Divine Rage Dmg; With its damage buffed? Why not? We can spam it too!
-DSK; High damage, literally no cooldown, just some requirements.
-Spirit Boost CD; Important plate to have, increases your party’s effective DPS by a huge load.
-Hurricane Dance Dmg; Despite the main part of the EX being unaffected by side factors(Yes including plate), the base damage itself is immense, so it is still worth getting HD plated.
-Binding Shot Dmg; Binding Shot > DSK > Eagle Dive > Spiral Vortex. What I’m putting to you is, Binding Shot is 2nd most used skill.
Combined Skills
Defensives(Blue) – 5% HP, 3% dmg reduction, 1.5% additional MPrecovery.
Offensives(Red) – +50 P.atk/M.atk, -5% mana cost on skills, 2% damage.
Utility(Yellow) – This is ever-changing depending on what you’re doing! But if you insist… 5% more gold.

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