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Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) Tackles Mother Role For The First Time, Plays The Wife of Yo Oizumi(大泉洋) - AKB48 - It has been revealed that actress Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) (25) is going to play the role of a mother for the first time in her acting career for the movie "TWILIGHT SASARA SAYA(TWILIGHTささらさや)", which will be released in the fall of 2014. Aragaki said, "I am excited for this new challenge and I am glad to have this opportunity so I could mature as an actress."

Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) Tackles Mother Role For The First Time, Plays The Wife of Yo Oizumi(大泉洋)

Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) Tackles Mother Role For The First Time, Plays The Wife of Yo Oizumi(大泉洋)

Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) Tackles Mother Role For The First Time, Plays The Wife of Yo Oizumi(大泉洋)

This movie is a film adaptation of Tomoko Kano(加納朋子)'s novel "Sasara Saya(ささらさや)". Aragaki plays a young widow named Saya with a new born son. Her husband Yutaro plays by Oizumi who died in an accident has to borrow bodies of various people to help his struggling wife. It is said this love story of a married couple was planned over a period of more than 5 years. The movie is directed by Yoshihiro Fukagawa(深川栄洋) and will star Yui Aragaki(新垣結衣) (25) and Yo Oizumi(大泉洋) (41).

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