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[reverse balding] Wind Sprints for Your Arms: 15 Battle Rope Exercises - You've probably done wind sprints for your legs, but how about wind sprints for your arms? Try these fifteen battle rope exercises for something new in your training.

When it comes to cardio, I’m one of those people who like to get it done as fast as possible. Jogging long-distance or spending thirty minutes on an elliptical isn’t my thing. That’s why I love high intensity interval training (HIIT). The basic idea of HIIT is to alternate between periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise (like sprinting, kettlebell swings, or burpees) with less intense resting periods. You repeat this sequence of short, intense exercise and resting for as little as four minutes or as long as thirty minutes. Research has shown that HIIT improves both aerobic and anaerobic conditioning, boosts testosterone levels, and ramps up your metabolism and keeps it ramped up hours after you’ve finished exercising.

I’m always on the lookout for new HIIT routines, and I’ve recently discovered one that has become my new favorite: battle ropes. Read more

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