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Oh Nuts! I Lost My Sister by Dennis Marcoux - Today, World of Ink Book Tours brings us Adventures of Nutty and Twittles – Oh Nuts I Lost My Sister by Dennis Marcoux.
Oh Nuts! I Lost My Sister by Dennis Marcoux

Book blurb: Nutty and his sister Twittles set out to play a fun game of hide "n" seek with their friends. When Twittles is the only one missing, the game quickly changes. Nutty has to find his sister because she may be lost in the dark and dangerous Forrest.
Kai: Thanks for visiting, Dennis. What age range is Oh Nuts targeted for?
Dennis: 4-7
Kai: Can you share a memory of yours or a story of you from when you were within the age range of your target readers?
Dennis: I was about 6 yrs old and went to the ocean with my family. My parents warned me about going into the water without them. I did not listen to them and went into the ocean alone. A wave pulled me under the water and when I surfaced I was unable to swim. Fortunately, my parents saw what happened and were able to save me. Lesson Learned Kai: Oh, how scary! So glad that had a happy ending. Dennis, how do feel life changed for children today from when you were that age?
Dennis: Technology has changed the way children live and learn. Kai: How is life still the same?
Dennis: Children are still curious and adventurous.
Kai: What was your favorite toy or activity when you were that age?
Dennis: Sledding especially in the early evening when the sun was setting. I still have my 1952 Flexible Flyer sled.
Oh Nuts! I Lost My Sister by Dennis Marcoux

Kai: Awesome! Can you tell us what inspired Oh Nuts and how did you decide on this age range for your story?
Dennis: I was inspired by my Granddaughter Molly's imagination. We often walked in the woods and the animals there fascinated her...namely the squirrels. Deciding on this age range was easy. As a grandfather of (9) grandchildren, I always had fun reading and playing imaginary games when they were in this age group.
Kai: Finally, I have four kids. Over the years they’ve attended a lot of birthday parties. I love the idea of building a theme gift around a book. If you were to give a gift basket to a child based on your book, what else would be in the basket besides Adventures of Nutty and Twittles – Oh Nuts I Lost My Sister?
Dennis: Stuffed squirrels named Nutty and Twittles, Be my buddy badges, puzzle of a forest, paper and colored pencils and animal stickers.
Oh Nuts! I Lost My Sister by Dennis Marcoux

Author bio: Originally from Worcester, Mass., Dennis Marcoux worked in the manufacturing business for most of his life. Now he is retired and resides in Cape Coral, Florida. In his spare time, you can find him reading books as a volunteer in elementary schools and children's hospitals. He is a member of the Gulf Coast Writers Association of Fort Myers, Florida.
Kai: Dennis where can our readers find more information about you and your book?
Dennis: Halo Publishing .com, Barnes and, and Author's Face Book Page

Thank you for joining us today! Best of luck to you and Adventures of Nutty and Twittles – Oh Nuts I Lost My Sister

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