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Nike’s Awesome New Marketing Campaign Trades Gear for FuelBand Points

Nike’s Awesome New Marketing Campaign Trades Gear for FuelBand Points - Source:

Nike is apparently rolling out a new guerrilla marketing campaign that trades company gear for no money at all. The “vending machines” have been popping up around NYC, with reports from a number of publications around the Internet saying Nike will give you free stuff for FuelBand points. Have 500 points? You can grab yourself a free shirt or pair of socks.

It doesn’t appear likes the vending machine has many really hot ticket items; no shoes or anything like that. But if you have a lot of points saved up, you can get an entire kit of Nike stuff. According to TechCrunch, some of “the good stuff” is upwards of 1,000+ points. Nike has been hinting at where the vending machines are located, but hasn’t given up exact details. Thanks to word of mouth and social media, however, finding a machine doesn’t appear all that difficult.

On Nike’s NYC Twitter page, as recently as yesterday afternoon, Nike says its FuelBox, as it’s aptly named, is “gone for now.” However, the fitness apparel company hints the box will show up again soon, so “keep moving.”

First, find the #nikefuelbox. Two, plug in your Nike+ FuelBand. Three, watch goals become gratification.
— Nike NYC (@NikeNYC) July 17, 2014

The marketing stunt is genius, and incentives people to not only use Nike’s products, but rewards them for earning points by reaching fitness goals. No other hints as to where the next FuelBox will pop up have dropped, but there’s sure to be plenty of movement over the weekend.

Source:;; @nikeNYC;

other source :,,

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