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Jesus: Do not tire of Me - 6 December 2014 to tenderheart, Canada

Do Not Abandon The Lost
Children of My Divine Heart,

Rejoice. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Love.

Surrender unto Me. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory. I have plans for you. My plans encompass the world. Do not refuse Me.

Accept to serve in all humility.

Draw near to Me. Pray, My Little Ones. Serve through prayer.

Kneel down before My throne of glory. Kneel before your God.

Ask for the desires of your heart. I will answer your prayer petitions as soon as possible.

Trust that I know what is best for you. Trust in Me. Do not question My ways.

Uproot all sin from your lives. Be faith filled.

Let your faith be unshakable. Witness to My glory.

Witness of My tremendous love for you.

Do not tire of offering up thanksgiving. Do not tire of Me. Wait on Me. Be faith filled.

I love you so.

I will transform your broken world, when you let Me. I remain open to your requests, and work all things for good.

Do not abandon the Lost. Pray for their conversions. Love them as I love.

Love with an everlasting love. Do not count the number of times they hurt you.

Forgive them. Do not harden your hearts for this will bring about your own condemnation.

Be generous in all that you say, think, and do. Walk the Earth as My ambassadors of love. I rely on you.

I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom

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