- ...for an important announcement. It's been fun posting poetry and I have more posts planned for the rest of the month. However, I haven't been writing about my life at all. I'm not sure if anyone cares too much at this point and I'm certainly not as eloquent as most poets out there. But I finally had some happy news on Tuesday and I wanted to share.
About six weeks ago I saw a job listing for a full-time library job at the university where I currently teach as an adjunct. I went ahead and applied, but then didn't hear back within a few weeks like I have for other jobs. I was a little perplexed that I didn't even get an interview; thankfully they were just slower than I had expected in interviewing. I interviewed last Friday morning and I actually did not think I had done that well. It was a longer interview than I had expected and I felt like I didn't answer things as well as I could have. However, I still kept having a feeling like this was the right job for me and that I would get an offer. Then they called me back on Tuesday afternoon and offered me the job; I immediately said yes. I wasn't able to stop grinning for the rest of the day. This is the first full-time, benefited job I've ever had in my life. It is a great way to start a career in libraries and I hope it will be a lot of fun.
Of course now that I've had a few days to think about it I've started to worry just a little. I don't have many details about my schedule or salary yet. Working more hours means I'm going to have to find more childcare, particularly during the summer. While on the one hand I feel glad to have a good, concrete plan for the future, many of the details are still hazy. I'm also experiencing the worry about being everything that they expected. When you apply for a job, you really have to sell yourself and I hope I can live up to the first impression that they got from me. And I am sad to leave my part-time job right now. I love working there and I've been there long enough to feel comfortable in what I do. I will not, however, miss teaching very much. I am happy to have a job that I can leave behind at the end of every day and that actually pays me for all my time. Since this post contains no poetry, I will end with a bit of doggerel that I repeat to myself at the end of every semester:
No more papers,
No more books,
No more [students'] dirty looks!
other source :,,
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