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[Daisy] Top Ten Books Julia Wants to Read But Doesn't Own Yet

Top Ten Books Julia Wants to Read But Doesn't Own Yet - For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here! Top Ten Books I Really Want To Read But Don't Own Yet1. Heart of Steel by Meljean Brook I read The Iron Duke so long ago... so long ago. But I don't want to reread it until I have this next one in the series in my possession. One day soon I will have it. One day soon.
2. Beyond Control by Kit Rocha Oh I read the first book so long ago that I really wanted to read the next in a series. But I have a problem jumping into self published purchases. I know it makes no sense because I know what I would be getting into in this series. I should just bite the bullet, buy it and enjoy it.
3. Between the Devil and Ian Eversea by Julie Anne Long This is one of the longest series featuring two different families. I love it, some are hits and some are less so, but each one is a least a fun ride. I caught up to the current book this past summer, but didn't get this latest release. I think I am falling behind again. The next book may be coming out soon... I dont know actually haha
4. An annotated version of Paradise Lost by John Milton I have no idea if what I want exists, but I really want to read Paradise Lost. Not just any ol' version either. I want a version that has one page of actual text and one page of "This is what this is referring to" like those Shakespeare books prevelant in so many high schools. If anyone knows of this, please comment!
5. The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith Aka JK Rowling. I read The Cuckoos Calling and it was really good. I really liked it, and really liked the main detective character, Strike. I can't wait to read more stories featuring him... and this one is next!
6. The Winds of Winter by George RR Martin I don't care if this is a cop out answer, but darn it I really want to read this and I don't own it yet (no one does) so I think it counts! Write on Mr Martin, write on.
7. Butterfly Swords by Jeanie Lin Or really anything by Ms Lin. I read a short story set in Tang dynasty China by her this past year and really enjoyed it, so I want to try a full length novel. This is the first one I saw on my list, but I know there are a few on there that sound great!
8. Doors of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss Same thing as Winds of Winter. It's not written/published yet, but I really want it!! If you have not read the Kingskiller Chronicles, do it!
9. Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas I read the first one a while back, but I never went to go get the next one. I heard it was better so this is probably the one young adult book right now I really want to get my hands on.
10. Spy's Honor by Amy Raby This book I read the first one and thought it was okay, but really liked the concept of the world. I'd like to get this book two so I can see where it goes.
Wow! That was hard to get to ten. A lot of the books I want to read I already own and are literally sitting on a shelf. So how about you guys? What are you most pumped to get your hands on and into your keeper case?

other source :,,

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