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Your prayers will tip the balance - Jesus to Tenderheart, Canada, 22 November 2014Your prayers will tip the balance

Children of My Divine Heart,

I love you with an everlasting love. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega.

I thirst for your love. Open your hearts to Me.

Surrender unto Me. Give Me permission to work in you.

So much remains to be done. Millions refuse Me. Millions have turned their backs to Me, and refuse to open their hearts. Satan has corrupted their souls. Satan has tightened his grip on My own, but I will bring the Lost back to the fold.

Hear Me. I hope in you. Pray, My Little Ones, for your prayers will tip the balance, and change your broken world. Pray. Be faith filled, and pray. Prayer is your mandate. Pray without ceasing, and rejoice in My master plan.

Even as rumors of wars surround you, hope in Me. Events foretold must take place. Do not fear those who would kill you.

Your bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit, Temples of My Spirit. Men can not destroy your Spiritual nature. They have no power over you.

Give Me your hearts, and be filled with My Spirit. Ask for a powerful outpouring of My Spirit each day. Do not let your hearts be troubled. I see to all things. I Am. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom

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