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[Windows app] 15 office applications offline for Chrome OS - Chromebooks are lightweight, cheap and effective - in other words, it's good for users moving frequently. With 15 office applications on Chrome OS platform devices later, you can work when you are offline (offline).

1 Business Processes Simulator

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Business Processes Simulator is an application that can test and optimize the operation of a process. After charting the business process model, you can simulate the process started and then increased gradually developed. This allows you to look at time and the interactions between the various elements. Log window at the bottom allows you to track changes during the simulation run. At any time, you can also pause the simulation, it's fast forward or jump to the end, as if it were a video. However, there is no option to return. While the process is running, the program can display detailed graphs of key factors, such as the allocation of work time and labor utilization rate, the primary metric for streamlining a process.

2 DOSBox for Google Chrome

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Want to use the DOS command line on the Chromebook ? DOSBox 0.74 version of Google Chrome is a simulation of the x86 platform. The result is that you can play with a bunch of old DOS games and office applications, from Word 5.5 for DOS, WordStar 3.3 to Borland Turbo C's you need to download, email or save program on a USB drive to install it. However, keep in mind that you may need to learn the syntax of the command line DOS command like DIR and CD orders. Fortunately DOSBox is also incorporated convenient features help.

3 Forestpin Lite

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

When you need to analyze web data for research or other problems, can help you Forestpin data mining. Free trial version for three months, then the required application fee 9 USD. After you have registered, you can start by opening a data file or paste comma delimited text into Forestpin interface. It can organize and sort a list of parameters and data analysis for problems such as duplicate, missing items in a sequence, the frequency of words and analyzes of many other things. The application presents results of the attractive graphs and charts that can be incorporated into a report or memo.

4 Gliffy Diagrams

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Gliffy Diagrams put a variety of styles business chart your fingertips. Applications can create business process models, diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, and BPMN, along with other features. There's even a section devoted to mocking a user interface. Just select the category you want to work, taking a shape, a text box or other item and place it on the grid interface. Add items and connect them with lines. Applications accompanied by a series of geometric shapes and standard notation diagrams, BPMN shapes and standardized Venn diagram circles colorful. In addition, separate entries can be grouped into networks and positioning. However, you can not paint or rotate them. Once this is done, the chart can be exported as an image.

5 Gmail Offline

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Offline Gmail allows you to read and write email offline , then automatically send them when getting online. App store your contact list to compose and write email while not connected to the Internet. Gmail Offline list of unread emails on the left and displays the contents of the selected items on the right. This application is currently in beta, but still work well. Offline Gmail does not allow you to embed an image in the email, though you can attach it. The application is very useful for writing email while you're on the road.

6 History Eraser App

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

History Eraser app has a sole purpose of allowing you to quickly and easily remove vital personal information from Chrome. Just check in any 22 applications on Chromebooks, including browsing history, cache, history and cookies download; History Eraser deletes them all. It can remove any items related Web for the current session, or you can specify any time. You can also set a custom combination or use preset programs for easy cleaning mode (Easy), medium (Medium) and Hard (Hard). For example, the History Eraser set to Easy mode takes 30 seconds to clear the value of a monthly web history, cookies and cache data, including songs online.

Client Billing and Invoice Template 7

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

If your business needs invoice, Client Billing Invoice Template and the vCita can sort this tedious task quickly and easily. After entering the company's information, the application will generate bills for about a minute. After that, they can be printed or emailed to customers. Bills look pretty professional, which may include an icon and can be written in multiple currencies for international businesses. When you are online, apps can track who has paid and who does not have online dashboard. vCita allows businesses to accept online payments via credit card or PayPal but not charging commission.

8 Mind Mapr

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Mapr Mind is a tool that can help you make connections between ideas together. Starting with an empty grid and enter an idea, theme or central targets. Then you have to add support to the idea of ​​the result chart, with links are connected to a hierarchical manner. A little tedious initially, but gradually the structure of concepts have emerged. In the performance, you can move items around in the map, zoom in and change fonts and colors. If you want, you can export diagram ideas as a picture or print it out.

9 My Time Organizer

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

My Time Organizer can help you arrange a variety of tasks with deadlines. The application presents a weekly schedule or monthly. Just scroll event (Event), task (Task) or notes (Note) to the exact date and type of work, or you can use the voice import. The application will automatically prompt you anywhere from 5 to 60 minutes before the start time of the event. You can personalize the interface with the extensive selection of colors and color codes for emergencies (such as red for the desired action immediately). However, the application does not automatically sort the items according to the start time - a problem if you have a fast-changing schedule.

10 Pocket

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

If you regularly find online document to read next, try Pocket app for Chrome OS. App puts a small check mark icon next to the address bar of your browser Chrome . When you click on that icon, it will save the content you are viewing, including all images and text, including the other pages on the site Pocket and synchronize it with the Chromebook's local drive You. After that, you can read the entire document even when disconnected. There are some restrictions if you are reading a page offline, such as Pocket video load. And while you can choose the size and color of the font, and add tags to content, you can not create folders to organize documents. However, the Pocket is still a great way for you to read anytime, anywhere.

11 Quick Note

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Program notes for this simple Chromebook is great for recording ideas quickly. It provides full functionality with a minimalist approach. You just need to type their notes on a yellow form page. Quick Note only use a sans-serif typeface stiff but you can use the key combo Control type I for italics, U for underline and B for bold. You can add pictures, but the app does not support hand drawing. The notes will automatically be saved in the local drive; files are named based on the first hit from like Word (although you can rename it). The most recent item will show up when you launch Quick Note as a list on the left to see the other notes. At any time, the notes can be copied and pasted into other programs or synchronization via file sharing service Diigo.

12 Sketchpad 3.5

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Sketchpad 3.5 is an application you need if you want to work with the images while offline. Sketchpad provides essentials like freehand drawing tool or the geometric arrangement, just enough to sketch a map or convert between image formats. It has an easy to use palette to choose colors as well as the ability to add texture and slope. Users can draw with the Chromebook touchpad, but it works better with a touch screen system, like Acer C720P model. It has several drawing styles including wax crayons, pencil and spray paint; you can also add text boxes. Erasing tools and the ability to recover from mistakes is quite useful. After this is done, the drawing can be exported as a PDF or image file can be compressed in a ZIP file.

13 Unit Converter

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

If the site regularly to convert units of measurement or weight, Unit Converter is an application suitable for this task while offline. Basic interface with a 3 x 3 grid network of the blue rectangle to convert everything from length frequency. Inside each rectangle is a drop-down menu to select the unit of input and output as well as a box to enter the number you want to convert. The answer pops up right in the box. The application can also convert Celsius to Fahrenheit, a unit of Pascals pressure and miles per hour to kilometers per hour. If you want to convert ounces to liters, Unit Converter also provides you with the results.

14 unreadable

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Unreadable allows you to send personal information without worrying about prying eyes. Whether it is a credit card number or location of a new factory, unreadable can keep this information confidential privacy. Just type or paste your paragraph or phrase on a data entry field and assign it a password. Application information will be compressed using the AES encryption algorithm with 256-bit keys. After compression, you can send encrypted text to colleagues via email, Facebook, Twitter ... To sort it out, they will need a copy of unreadable and encrypted key (sent separately). If you want, unreadable instructions will come via email.

15. Writer

15 office applications offline for Chrome OS

Text processing this basic design was inspired from a monochrome CRT monitors early. Writer display screen with green letters on a black background. It features undo, selecting 31 fonts and the ability to export documents to a variety of formats, or send to a Google Cloud printer (of course you must be online). However, the application lacks spell check and search functions. Writer Pro version add a word count tool for real-time, historical dictionaries and modification; costs 5 USD a month.

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