- Ini postingan telat ajee ya? Tapi gpp ya tetep dipajang..kan kata orang 1st Birthday itu milestone buat emak dan anaknya kan ya? Sehari sebelon birthday Ethan, gw tuh melow jellow..antara proud with myself, dan tentunya Ethan..sama berasa sedih sama kemana perginya waktu. Bahkan sampe sempet nitikin aer mata bo. Hahaha..salahkan hormon!
Kita rayain birthday Ethan di hari sabtu, dan gw sok mo bikin birthday cake Ethan sendiri..dan yang ada..sampe siang hari pesta, cake gw belon jadi designnya. Untung gw ada temen temen yang baek bantuin gw. Mulai dari dekor, hias hias, sampe bantuin gendong Ethan di hari pestanya :)
We are blessed!
Kita rayain birthday Ethan di hari sabtu, dan gw sok mo bikin birthday cake Ethan sendiri..dan yang ada..sampe siang hari pesta, cake gw belon jadi designnya. Untung gw ada temen temen yang baek bantuin gw. Mulai dari dekor, hias hias, sampe bantuin gendong Ethan di hari pestanya :)
We are blessed!
The Birthday Party!
Gw tentuin tema birthday Ethan tuh putih biru, jadi bilang ke tamu tamu dress code nya either putih or biru. Dan kita sekeluarga pakenya abu abu ma jeans :)
Ethan, hari itu being such a sweet boy banget. Ga rese, ga rewel, and he seems know that it's his birthday party! Ini dekor dekor nya hasil dari Knick Knack Shop, owner nya itu temen gw dan hasilnya amazing banget kan ya?? kl gw disuruh bikin gini, kaga bakalan bisa dah!
Foto dibawah ini photo kita as family :) Ampir ga ada loh kita bertiga photo bareng gini.
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BIG thank you to Daddy Arip for being the amazing Daddy for Ethan. |
Topper nya ini juga dari Knick Knack Shop, tapi cheese cake nya dari temen gw juga si Lily, yang mau pesen..sini kontek aku..tak' bagi nomor henpon nya :)
Gw minta tolong tamu tamu yang dateng untung nulis birthday wishes buat si Ethan.
Blow the candle..
..and cut the cake!
The Birthday Boy
I wish you all the very best my boy.
I hope that you will grow to one fine young man that love God, family and your future wife.
I am praying for you to have a strong soul and smart head that bring you to places and see the world.
I blessed the day you came into my life and rock my world, because now..I know that you are my life and world. I never asked for anything else that God made you. You are perfect in my eyes.
Bless you my boy.
*lap aer mata*
Ini baru ulang taon pertama ya bo! Gimana kalo ntar manten?? hahahaha.
Thank you for all the friends and family that celebrating the birthday with us.
We are truly grateful for your time :)
Special thanks to my lovely ladies!
Mama, Ibu, Lily, Becky and Devi for making all of it possible :)
Sungguh, gw rasa gw berbuat baik di idup yang lampau to deserved this kind of kind heart in this very life. Thank you so much for the effort.
Dan gw ga pernah berasa " well done El " Shoulder tap to myself as how i felt on his birthday.
Kayak, gw yang sungguh culun to be a mom, for not knowing how to hold a newborn, how to bath him, and how to change diaper..finally made it to the most precious year in our both life!
We made it Ethan!! Looking forward to enjoy our family life in many many years to come!
I love you so much, maybe too much at some point of time, but if you read this one day..
i want you to know that you are one of the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You are my joy, my pride and will always be apply of my eyes.
My...precious...*ga ding! itu LOTR.
Enjoy your Prezzie Ethan!
Thank you uncle and Auntie for this wonderful gift.
dan terakhir, aje gila cape nya ngurusin beginian!
By end of the day, gw cuma bisa selonjoran maen hape begini ada lagi tenaga buat maen ma si Ethan. ke captured di poto lagi ma bang Arip.
other source :,,
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