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[Choi Sooyoung] [MUSIC ALBUM REVIEW] A Pink - Pink Blossom (2014)

[MUSIC ALBUM REVIEW] A Pink - Pink Blossom (2014) - Six girls of A Pink are back! Their newest album, Pink Blossom, has been released on March 31st, 2014 with Mr. Chu as the title track. This album is basically a test for them. People anticipated this album a lot after their success last year with No No No (check out the album review here). Will they able to maintain their popularity? Only time will tell. But right now, let’s listen to the album first and enjoy the review.

Pink Blossom opened with Sunday Monday. This song is a huge surprise because it has the opposite element of the usual opening song. Opening song usually has an upbeat sound to make people pump up and continue listen to the whole album. However, Sunday Monday has a medium tempo sound with chilling vibe. This song is dominated by acoustic guitar, which makes it a perfect song during leisure time. Sunday Monday is not a bad song. It has catchy chorus that makes people want to sing a long with it. It also has violin sound, which gives strong vibe in contrast to the whole chilling vibe. But, I think it would be better if this song placed in the middle of this album to give more dynamic. However, I kind of understand why it being placed in the beginning. It gives the whole portrayal of how this album goes, which is dominated by medium tempo.

Sunday Monday continues with Mr. Chu, the title track. There are two versions of this song, the original and on stage version. Right now, I am going to discuss about the on stage version first since they will perform with this version. This version also happens to be what they put on the music video. Mr. Chu is a medium tempo dance song. It has slower tempo compared to their previous title tracks. Because of this, this song will not make you automatically like it during your first listen. But remember, one of A Pink strongest point is longevity and growing title track. The more you listen to Mr. Chu, the more you cannot get it out of your head. At the end, you will realize that it is actually a good song. This song still shows their signature music style, old school music, with the synthesizer. However, they mixed it with more modern style through electronic sound. The usage of trumpet and bass during chorus also adds more dynamic and uniqueness to this song. The best part of this song is during the last chorus where the vocal and music reach the climax.
About the music video, this is so far the best music video for A Pink. From the concept, wardrobe, setting to storyline, all of them are great. This music video tells a story about how the girls have a crush on a tennis player. They have consistently approach him and finally at the end of the month, they have a first kiss with him. Yes, I know it is weird how six of them chase after this one guy and kiss him, but most K-Pop music video have done this before. Anyway, it is hilarious to see them fangirl over him on the tennis court and try to fit their gifts to his locker. The music video also portrays the more mature A Pink without losing their youthfulness. The usage of bold-pink color on the tennis court, wardrobe, and lipstick able represent both aspects.

This album continues with Crystal on the third track. One thing that perfectly described this song is majestic. Both of violin and string line add the royal element to this song. I honestly like it because there are not many K-Pop songs that have this type of sound. Although it sounds majestic, it does not sound too mature for A Pink. There is still certain playfulness on the beat and their vocal. Also about their vocal, Eunji and Namjoo shine the most throughout this song. Moving on to the lyrics, it is very lovely. It is about how A Pink assures the boy that he is special like crystal. Special in this song does not come in terms of romantic manner. In fact, it is more into personality matter, which I really like.

The fourth track 사랑동화 (Fairytale Love) has Chorong to write the lyrics. It is always great to know the group members contribute to the album process. I think A Pink shows a good indication and I hope other members could also contribute in the future. Back to the song, this song is a sad ballad song. It tells a story about how first love is not as beautiful as in the fairytale. The music is actually just like typical ballad with acoustic guitar domination. Still, A Pink does it in an old school way, especially through the electric guitar on the bridge. With this song, Eunji once again shows how effortless and perfect she is when singing ballad song. Meanwhile a surprise comes from Bomi who sound different on lower range of voice. It is nice to listen her low range voice since she used to sing on a higher range.

The fifth track, So Long, is another Chorong composition. But it has different theme from the previous track. It tells a sweet story about how the girls actually love their best friend since childhood until now. Hmm…I guess Chorong has many experiences in love J So Long has a strong R&B vibe. It is a pleasant listening song that you can listen to anywhere. The uniqueness of this song lies to its classic piano line, which gives contrast to the R&B vibe.

Finally, we go back to the title track on the last track, Mr. Chu (Original Version). Just like what I wrote earlier, the differences between two versions lie on the music. The original version is dominated with piano, guitar, and violin. In glance, the original version sounds more upbeat. But actually, it has the same medium beat. It may sounds upbeat because of the verses, but the chorus actually has slower beat than the on stage version. I think both versions are great, only that the on stage version sounds more dynamic because of its flow.
[MUSIC ALBUM REVIEW] A Pink - Pink Blossom (2014)

Overall, I love the direction that A Pink takes on Pink Blossom album. It shows the mature side of them in terms of music, lyrics, and concept. But, it does not sound too much since there is still youthful element on it. I also love how this album gives chance to less popular members such as Namjoo, Hayoung, and Chorong to shine. Lastly, I love the member’s contribution to the album process.

My Favorite Tracks : Mr. Chu, Crystal, So Long Rating : 3/5

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