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[Best Wishes Quotes and Messages] Heart Broken Quotes and Sad Heartbroken Sayings - Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. Here's a collection of latest Heart Broken Quotes and Sad Heartbroken Sayings for you to share with. If you have your own favorite Heart Broken Quotes and Sayings, we would love to hear it, simply add a comment below or just email it to us with a subject: heart broken, and will posted up for you. Hope you'll like it!
Let go when you're hurting too much,
Give up when love isn't enough,
And move on when things are not like before.
For surely, there is someone out there
Who will love you even more.

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Letting go islike getting a tooth
pulled out from a dentist.
Pull it out, you're relieved.
But how manytimes does your
tongue runitself over the
spot where the tooth once was?

Probably a hundred times a day.
Just because it wasn't hurting
you doesn't mean you didn't notice it.
It leaves a gap & sometimes you
see yourself missing it terribly. Its
going to take a while, but it takes time.

Should you have kept the tooth?
No, coz it was causing you so
much pain. Let go.

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Don't be too good, I will miss you,
don't be too caring I might like you,
don't be too sweet I might fall.
Coz it's hard for me to love you
when you won't love me at all.

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No jokes would sound laughable
once you've heard it already..
So why let the same pain,
hurt you more than once?

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You can miss someone that died,
you can miss someone that moved away,
but the worst way to miss someone..
is missing someone you see EVERYDAY..

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I love you and
i don't want that to change..
I need you and
i want you to feel the same..
I don't ask for much and
I don't need much..
but i can't give everything i got..
when i'm not
getting anything back at all.

********** *

Yesterday, our hands locked so tightly,
holding together endlessly. today,
your hands wipe my tears, taking away the fears.
Tomorrow, not later, i will have to cry,
afraid to see your hands waving goodbye!

Heart Broken Quotes and Sad Heartbroken Sayings

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