Watch Movie I Love You Phillip Morris HD.Full Movie I Love You Phillip Morris Full Movie with duration 98 Min and released on 2009-01-18 with MPAA rating is 121.
- Original Title : I Love You Phillip Morris
- Movie title in your country : I Love You Phillip Morris
- Year of movie : 2009
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Drama, Romance,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2009-01-18
- Companies of movie : EuropaCorp,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 98 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.2
- Youtube ID of movie : yhjNNI4rs4s
- Translation of movie : EN,DE,FR,IT,NB,PT,SV,TR,RU,ES,ZH,DA,NL,CS,HU,
- Actors of movie :Jim Carrey (Steven Russell), Ewan McGregor (Phillip Morris), Leslie Mann (Debbie), Rodrigo Santoro (Jimmy), Brennan Brown (Larry Bukheim), Nicholas Alexander (Steven's Brother), Tony Bentley (Racist Client), Michael Beasley (Prison Guard), Sean Boyd (Policeman), Trey Burvant (Blake), Marcus Lyle Brown (Young Doctor)
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Movie summary of I Love You Phillip Morris :
Free Streaming I Love You Phillip Morris in High Quality with movie summary "Bad Santa co-screenwriters Glenn Ficara and John Requa re-team for this fact-based black comedy starring Jim Carrey as a Virginia police officer-turned-con man who makes the leap to white-collar criminal after being sent to prison and falling in love with his sensitive cellmate. Steve Russell (Carrey) is a small-town cop. Bored with his bland lifestyle, Russell turns to fraud as a means of shaking things up. Before long, Russell's criminal antics have landed him behind bars, where he encounters the charismatic Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor). Smitten, Russell devotes his entire life to being with Morris regardless of the consequences." in high definition format. Full I Love You Phillip Morris in High Quality by push of the button above.
Director : Glenn Ficarra, Director : John Requa, Writer : John Requa, Writer : Glenn Ficarra, Makeup Department Head : Ve Neill
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