Hi folks! Thanks to blogger scheduled posts, I'm magically posting this while I'm actually on vacation. Oh the joys of technology.
Just had to pop in and post today's Show Off Slideshow. Ready for the Britt-ish Designs layout fun?? Here we go . . .
Thanks to everyone who sent in a Show Off this week.
What's all this Showing Off business about? For new readers, here's the 411:
*Show Offs are every other Friday. You can send your Show Offs in anytime, and it will be included in the next possible Show Off.
* Your Show Off can contain ANY Britt-ish Designs product. From a template, to a freebie, anything Britt-ish Designs. Even one little Britt stitch is enough to make it a Show Off.
* Layout must be completed during the current show off period, and not an old layout.
* Email me your layout or include a link to your layout. Send your email to myshowoffs at gmail dot com. Please be careful to remember to attach your LO.
* If you attach your layout in the email, make sure to size it somewhere between 600 and 900 pixels tall. No larger! (in Photoshop I use File > Save for Web and then go to image size)
* Your layouts need to be in by midnight the Thursday night (Mountain Time) before Show Offs to be included in that week's slideshow. If I get it after that, you'll have to bump to the next Show Offs.
* Please make sure your subject is "Show Off". Two words, and nothing more. It makes it easier for me not to miss any of your emails.
* Please carefully list all the Britt-ish Designs products you used. Please credit the product with its correct name.
* And PLEASE include your name that you want your Show Off to be credited to. Most emails come and show your first name, but many of you used your husband's email or there's no name that comes up, so I struggle to figure out who the emails are from sometimes. I try to remember you all, but with over 70 Show Offs a week, its just not possible.
* I've decided to put a cap on Show Off entries at 2 per person. You're welcome to send in 2 pages but that's it. If you have more pages, just post them in the Britt-ish Designs Gallery, and I'll still see them.
I think that's everything! If you follow these rules it will make it possible for me to continue having Show Offs every other week!! THANKS!
Can't wait to see your work! Send it in now!! :)
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