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[more cookies] Cookies of Christmas Past

Does December have you dreaming of cookies like it does me? Actually, I dream those dreams all year long, but especially at Christmastime.

Here are a few cookies from Christmases past to get your cookie mojo flowing.
{For tutorials on each design, just click the links or pictures.}

Elf on the Shelf Cookies...

Cookies of Christmas Past
...I didn't realize until recently that there is a big split in America. Forget red state/blue state. It's pro-elf/anti-elf. Kiddo is too old for the elf, but I have to come down on the pro-elf side...if only for the cookies.

Charlie Brown Christmas...
Cookies of Christmas Past
...these are an easy way to capture the Peanuts characters without having to pipe faces.

Baa Humbug...
Cookies of Christmas Past
...get it?

Christmas Cottages...
Cookies of Christmas Past
...I love anything dotty and these make great treats for the neighbors!

Dotty Winter Trees...
Cookies of Christmas Past
...sanding sugar or not, these trees are perfect throughout winter. (And again with the dots.)

Pink & Red Christmas Ornaments...
Cookies of Christmas Past & red is one of my favorite color combinations. Ornament cookie cutters are fantastic to have in your collection. Make them any color, personalize them...the possibilities are endless.

Peppermint Candy Cookies...
Cookies of Christmas Past
...inspired by Martha, so simple and fun to make.

I'm cooking up a few new ideas for this month as well.
Are you decorating cookies this Christmas?

source :,,

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