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[mmo] Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective

Even though archers has low HP in Clash of Clans, they are really amazing in terms of dishing out damage when they are in large group. However, they are way vulnerable in splash damage and they can be wipe out in an instance on towers with AOE damage. But don't worry, as we will cover in this page a proper way to raid using just archers in your troops and getting all those loots and medals.
Before we start, may we suggest that you don't follow this guide blindly as there are certain situations that this guide will not be applicable at all times. You may need to improvise in certain situations and you need to be wise as we all know that clash of clans need a lot of brains to succeed in every raid.
The Needed Troops/Spells
240 Archers (optional)
- You can include a minion or two in your composition to snipe off buildings that are only protected by a cannon or mortar.
Clan Castle:
- Minions/Archers/Wizards
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective

Carry out 4 lightning and 1 rage. Lightning is for penetrating through walls or destroying those towers with splash damage while the rage is for your heroes/archers to punch in and grab a couple percent and sometimes, it can earn more percentage than that one lightning spell would.

How to Find a Good Base to Raid
When looking for a base there are a couple important things to consider:
1. Look for bases with percentage on the outside! It may seem obvious, but with high level bases each building will only offer 1.3 percent so looks can be deceiving! Before attacking a base, make sure it has 40 buildings that you can destroy with archers/heroes/spells etc, 40 buildings will get you to 50%.
2. Make note of the location of splash damage on the base. Wizard towers are the main thing to watch out for but mortars can be just as deadly. Try to attack bases with these buildings buried further in.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
An example of a base with strong splash damage.
3. Keep an eye on where the inferno towers are located. An inferno in range of the outer layer of buildings can ruin a raid.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective

Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
An inferno locked on to a group of archers can fry them in seconds so be wary!
4. The most important thing to prepare for are the spaces around the outside of the base that could contain teslas, giant bombs, or other traps. Chances are if there's one bomb outside, there are probably more. A giant bomb can send 20+ archers to the beyond in a second so check for them before the raid starts and avoid gaps in between buildings.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
Wonder if?
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
5. Clan Castle and Enemy Hero Location. Check for cc troops if lureable and if not, try to attack furthest away from the clan castle so as to minimize the role of the enemy cc troops in the battle. As for the enemy heroes, if they are located 5-10 spaces in from the outer layer of walls, they could prove a major threat.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
One shot from the archer queen and an entire group of archers is distracted shooting at a wall while the queen and defenses make short work of them. This could lose you anywhere from 2-10% so AVOID IF AT ALL POSSIBLE.
How to Raid a Base Using All Archer Troops
After finding your victim, test the base for traps (i.e. giant bombs, teslas) and check for clan castle troops if lureable. Then pick off any loose percentages to minimize the buildings your archers have to go through while under fire.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
Army camps are almost always vulnerable to sniping.
Now it is time to begin the bulk of the attack. There are two effective ways to deploy your archers:
1. Spread the archers in a thick line with two fingers in the same spot around the base. Since you are using two fingers; you will be able to move your hand around the base faster and it allows for more control over how many are deployed and where. This is my personal method and is recommended against tougher bases where you may need to conserve a few archers.
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
Archers should be laid at least shoulder to shoulder, preferably thicker.
2. Spread the archers slowly in thick lines along two sides of the base at a time. With this method, you will be moving your fingers more slowly but will be covering two sides at once. Now granted you must be careful and focus on the number of archers left as well as how many are left and what progress has been made on each side as you will be working with multiple sides of the base at once. (make sure both sides are being deployed before moving your fingers or you will just zoom in)
Clash of Clans Guide- All Archer Attack Strategy 100% Working and Effective
This method was used by my clanmate paddy as he made his way up to champions league with archers. (congrats bud!) Again- be sure to lay a thick line as you go.
After deploying the archers on all four sides of the base, sit back and monitor progress and percentages (saving whatever leftover archers you have for areas to pick up final percentage). Once the smoke has cleared you should be sitting at 38-50%, or else you're in trouble.
If you are looking good on percentage, deploy your heroes and clan castle in the same general area with the king tanking for the queen. Throw down your rage spell if you need it (and have one).
At this point you should be getting close to 50%, deploy lightning spells to pick up the final few percentage points. If it doesn't look like you'll be able to win this one, pack it up early. No use in wasting spells or heroes on a lost cause. (Side Note: NEVER gem an army or spells after a loss, it won't end well trust me)
Barrack Management and Boosting
Training your troops:
While away or playing intermittently (in lower leagues) boost your spell factory and at least one hero. This will allow you to raid every 25 minutes with 2-3 spells and always one hero. This army should be able to pull out a win consistently if you're smart about it .
When you'll be on for longer times (in champions league for example) or want to sit down for a boost session, boost 2-3 barracks depending on how often you want to raid and a hero and spell factory. This should allow you to raid with a hero and spells pretty consistently in your pocket.
credits: guide by TheWompyOverlord

source :,,

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