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[Make a Difference] Guest Hairstyle: Kiera with a Half-Up Topsy Tail

Not all of my hairstyles are easy to replicate.
Sometimes I can't even figure out how to do them again.
One of my buddies, Kiera, decided to give the
Braided Side Topsy Tail a shot... and it didn't work out.
But she did end up pulling off an incredibly awesome
half-up topsy tail.
Guest Hairstyle: Kiera with a Half-Up Topsy Tail
Guest Hairstyle: Kiera with a Half-Up Topsy Tail
Guest Hairstyle: Kiera with a Half-Up Topsy Tail

I love it!!!

Want to try out a hairstyle and be featured on Bye Bye Beehive? Take your pick from my hairstylesand send me an email with your photos and a little write-up!

Guest Hairstyle: Kiera with a Half-Up Topsy Tail

source :,,

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