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[John Oliver] Smoke machine? Portal to hell? Mysterious black ring in sky baffles Kazakh village

Smoke machine? Portal to hell? Mysterious black ring in sky baffles Kazakh village
No it's not a portal to hell but this viralling vid sure made for some amusing comments on YouTube: "Pfff, I make those rings daily with my Havana cigar" says one, "Some one got real high..." says another. Seriously though, Andrey Solodovnik, associate physics professor at the Northern Kazakhstan State University estimates the ring was about 100 metres in diameter and floated at an altitude of between 200 meters to a kilometre. That's like 300 ft wide! The ring was said to have hovered in the air for fifteen minutes before dissipating...


Black rings have been sighted all over the world. Last April, a video of one such event recorded in Leamington Spa, England, left internet users puzzled after making the rounds on social media.

Dozens of other videos featuring rings nearly identical to the one seen in Kazakhstan can be found on YouTube.


Who knows. Perhaps someone decided to do their version of a smoke ring - Burning Man style:

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