I've been working on a lipstick formula for just under 2 years now. The goal is to combine moisture, nourishment, comfort, longevity, and fabulous color in one product.
Piece of cake, right?
Let's Get Real Usually there are all kinds of challenges and kinks when developing a formula. Some products take an age to develop and display all kinds of unexpected behaviour along the way. I've documented several here on the blog.
Usually a formula requires several test batches with subsequent tweaking before it can be pronounced good to go.
But Once in a While... There are, however, rare occasions when a formula is just plain ace from the get go. This is one of those times. This lipstick has been unusually well behaved and thoroughly fabulous since batch one.
It's just done everything I wanted it to.
Batch 6 Of course, the real test of a good formula is when it can continuously display the same texture, behaviour, feel, etc in every single batch.
After 2 years, 5 batches, and testing in all kinds of weather and conditions, I think it's fair to say this lipstick formula is a winner.
Here is the ingredients list
- shea butter
- jojoba
- beeswax
- carnauba wax
- e-vitamin
- fractionated coconut oil
- coco caprylate (also called coconut 'silicone')
- pigments (different combinations of oxides and/or micas)
And here's a peek at batch 6 directly after production
Trying out Containers The bottom container – a chubby pencil case – is new for this batch. I want to test the limits of this formula and see how (and if) it holds up under sharpening. So far, it's behaving like a champ – no crumbling, breaking or anything else-ing that is undesirable.
The other container is a 'regular' lipstick case that has been used for all the previous batches as well.
Every batch has had a different color - some deep and intense, and some with a 'barely there' tint.
This batch has been given 'regular lipstick intensity'. I've named the color Antique Rose.
Here's a swatch.
source : http://slideshare.net, http://wikipedia.org, http://www.lisaliseblog.com
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