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Zanzibari Orange and Clove Polenta Cake

After watching a new cooking program on SBS (The spice trip), I had to try this Zanzibari cake with oranges and cloves.
To me personally, cloves were overpowering. Luckily, there is someone in my family that like strong flavours and aromas, so whole cake was eaten over the weekend.
Next time, I will half the amount of cloves.

Ingredients: (adapted from original recipe)
2 organic oranges, diced (whole)
125 g butter, softened
150 g sugar
3 large eggs
2 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 tbs flour
140 g polenta
120 g ground almonds
2 peeled and sliced oranges , extra
(to lay on the bottom of cake tin)
130 g sugar
1 orange , juice only
1 tsp cloves
Switch oven to 180*C, prepare a cake tin, line with baking paper. Place slices of 2 oranges on bottom.
Cook diced oranges in a little water. Take out and cool, then process or chop finely.
Meanwhile, cream butter and sugar; add eggs one by one. Mix in oranges (puree) and all other ingredients. Pour cake batter over the sliced oranges. Place in oven and bake for 1 hour.
Cook 130 g sugar with juice of 1 orange, until syrupy, add cloves. When cake is baked, turn over on a serving dish and pour syrup over it. Cool, then slice and enjoy!

Zanzibari Orange and Clove Polenta Cake

Zanzibarski Palenta Kolač od Narandži i Karanfilića

Na jednom od Australijskih televizijskih programa (SBS), pocela je nova emisija o zacinima i kuhanju koja se zove 'Put zacina'. Nakon gledanja emisije o Zanzibaru i karanfilicima koji se tamo uzgajaju, morala sam isprobati ovaj kolac. Meni licno je bio previse aromatican, ali na srecu u mojoj kuci postoji neko ko voli jake arome, tako da je cijeli kolac ipak bio pojeden za vikend. Sljedecu put cu sigurno umanjiti kolicinu karanfilica za pola!


2 neprskane narandze, isjecene (cijele)
125 gr maslac, omeksalog
150 gr secera
3 veca jaja
2 k praha kakranfilica
2 k praska za pecivo
1 1/2 K brasna
140 gr palente
120 gr mljevenih badema
2 oguljene i izrezane narandze, dodatno
(za postaviti na dno obruca)
130 gr secera
1 narandza, iscijedjen sok samo
1 k praha karanfilica
Ukljucite rernu na 180*c, pripremite obruc za kolace i prekrijte ga papirom za pecenje. Izrezite 2 oguljene narandze i postavite na dno obruca.
Skuhajte cijele (izrezane) narandze u malo vode; izvadite i prohladite. Isjeckajte u sjeckalici ili rucno (veoma fino).
Izmiksajte maslac sa secerom, dodajte jedno po jedno jaje, pire od narandzi i ostale sastojke. Uspite preko postavljenih narandzi i stavite peci oko 1 sat.
Skuhajte preostali secer sa sokom jedne narandze; treba da se malo zgusne. Kada je kolac pecen, okrenite ga na posluzavnik i prelijte ovim sirupom. Prohladite, onda rezite i uzivajte.


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