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Londoner Tartlets
Londoner Tartlets

This recipe comes from my first cook book, that I created 35 years ago. Originally, it should be in a slice form, but this time I made little tartlets. I got 30 pieces.
Ingredients: Pastry- 250 g flour 150 g butter, small pieces, cold 2 tbs sugar 2 yolks 1-2 tbs cold milk Topping- apricot jam 3 egg whites 120 g sugar 140 g walnuts, processedMethod: Process flour, sugar and butter; add a bit of milk and make a soft pastry. Shape into a log. Cut 5 mm discs and press them into moulds. Preheat oven to 170*C. Spoon some of apricot jam into each tartlet. Place into the oven and bake for 3-5 minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggwhites, add sugar and beat into a firm meringue. Add walnuts and fold in. Take out tartlets, spoon (or pipe) meringue onto each. Return to oven, lower temperature to 150-160*C and bake additional 8-10 minutes. Take out of oven, cool slightly, then take tartlets out of moulds and serve.

Londoner Tartlets
Londoner Tartići
Jos jedan od starih recepata iz moje prve kolekcije, koja je stara oko 35godina. Originalno su se zvali Londoner snite, ali sam ovoga puta odlucila da ih napravim u obliku malih tartova. Dobila sam 30 komada.
Potrebno:Tijesto-250 gr brasna150 gr maslaca, hladnog sjecenog na kockice2 zumanca2 K secera1-2 K hladnog mlijekaPunjenje-dzem od kajsija3 bjelanca120 gr secera140 gr mljevenih orahaNacin:Napravite tijesto od navedenih sastojaka. Formirajte valjak, koji cete izrezati na 5 mm debele diskove. Pritisnite svaki disk u kalup.Ukljucite rernu na 170*C.Kasikom ubacite malo dzema u svaki tart. Smjestite u rernu i pecite 3-5 minuta. U medjuvremenu umutite cvrst snijeg od bjelanjaka i secera. Ubacite mljevene orahe pa rucno izmijesajte. Izvadite tartice, kasicicom (ili sa poslasticarskom spricom) nanesite snijeg na svaki tart. Vratite u rernu, smanjite temperaturu na 160*C, pa pecite 8-10 dodatnih minuta. Izvadite i malo prohladite. zatim izvadite tartice iz kalupa i sluzite.
Londoner Tartlets

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