- During December, the insomniac was lucky enough to be squeezed in last minute to the Hands-On Class at Lauren Lane Decor. Always game to attempt any sort of impractical project right before Christmas, she decided this was the perfect opportunity to paint the kitchen chairs and tables. Completely overestimating the amount that could be accomplished in a one-day class, she also decided to bring in not one chair but the entire kitchen suite; admittedly not really a suite, but merely four chairs purchased many years ago at a flea market and two tables that don't match. Those chairs need never fear being replaced with new ones - because they have gryphons.
Mismatched kitchen table and chairs before Christmas ... |
Although satisfied with the projects attempted thus far with Annie Sloan Graphite chalk paint, it just wasn't black enough for the insomniac's tastes. So she was pleased that the new line of Van Gogh chalk paint Avery at Lauren Lane now carries includes Winston Black. *
At the end of the class, only a single chair was finished - spindles and rungs are a lot more work than you'd think. The second chair was painted at home the next day along with the table legs, to make it look more like a proper matching kitchen set. Once the legs had been painted, the pine table top looked shabby and had to be sanded; the burn mark where the youngest set down the hot frying pan and the spot where the eldest carved his name into the table were kept for strictly sentimental reasons, although one did get rather caught up in the moment and sanded it down slightly more than planned. Son, the next time you're over for dinner, please bring your knife so you can touch that up for your Mother.
With a bit of Google research, the insomniac found a food-safe recipe to protect the top after sanding - a mixture of 1 Tablespoon of beeswax and 5 Tablespoons of mineral oil. After finishing off the cottage cheese while standing at the kitchen sink, the empty plastic container was washed out and used to heat the ingredients in the microwave. It took roughly four minutes to melt the mixture, which was applied with an old rag and was just enough for two coats. It was then left to sit for an hour, not because that was the recommended time but simply because that was how long it took to have a cup of coffee and check out the new taxidermy listings on eBay. Then it was buffed to a lovely shine with a clean rag.
The refinished kitchen table top makes it painfully obvious the cutting board table in the background now needs sanding, too ... |
After painting the chair black, a bit of the paint was wiped off to reveal the gold stain underneath, which now matches the table top ... |
Once the chairs and tables were done, the spice rack HAD to be painted ... |
The wax finish on the chairs has now cured for the requisite thirty days, and the remaining two can be painted next week. The cutting board table top will be refinished at the same time, but as none of those knife marks have any sentimental value, one plans on using a belt sander. And as this entire project was really just a test run to see how the mineral oil and beeswax finish worked out, the rust marks from the dog's metal treat tin can now be safely removed from the pine counter top in the pantry, because it's likely those marks won't hold the same nostalgic memories for the next occupants.
Although the original plan was to paint all the kitchen cupboards in the Gothic Mansion, the spouse has pointed out that perhaps it's best to leave the cupboards alone at this point. The insomniac fully intends to listen to the advice of her more practical spouse, and has temporarily abandoned the idea. For the time being.
Before closing, a few helpful words of advice - a complete kitchen makeover two weeks before Christmas is never a good idea and, more importantly, dust is a lot more noticeable on a black kitchen suite. Just so you know.
Until next time, the insomniac wishes you nights of blissful sleep filled with pleasant dreams. Goodnight, my pretties.
* Subsequent to the publishing of this post, Van Gogh chalk paint can now be purchased at The House of Van Gogh and Winston Black has been renamed to Revenge. That new name makes the insomniac very happy ...
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